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    Jiangmen hardware accessories factory explains CNC processing route

    2019-12-29 1001

      CNC machining, also known as computer gong, CNC ch or CNC machine tool, is actually a method in Hong Kong. Later, it was introduced into the Pearl River Delta in mainland China, which is actually CNC milling machine. In Guangzhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, a person called "CNC machining center" generally refers to precision machining, CNC machining lathe, CNC machining milling machine, CNC machining boring milling machine, etc.

      The feed machining route of CNC lathe refers to the path that the turning tool moves from the tool setting point (or the fixed origin of the machine tool) until returning to the point and finishing the machining program, including the path of cutting and the path of non cutting empty travel such as cutting tool cut in and cut out.

      The feed path of finish machining is basically carried out along the contour sequence of its parts. Therefore, the key work of determining the feed path is to determine the feed path of rough machining and empty stroke.

      CNC machining has the following advantages:

      1. The number of tooling is greatly reduced, and complex tooling is not needed to process parts with complex shapes. If we want to change the shape and size of the parts, we only need to modify the processing procedure of the parts, which is suitable for the development and modification of new products.

      2. The machining quality is stable, the machining precision is high, the repetitive precision is high, and it can meet the machining requirements of aircraft.

      3. In the case of multi variety and small batch production, the production efficiency is higher, which can reduce the time of production preparation, machine tool adjustment and process inspection, and reduce the cutting time due to the use of the best cutting amount.

      4. It can process complex surfaces which are difficult to be processed by conventional methods, and even process some parts which cannot be observed.

      The disadvantage of NC machining is that the cost of machine tools and equipment is expensive, and maintenance personnel are required to have a high level.

      CNC machining, also known as computer gongs, CNC ch or CNC machine tools, is actually a method in Hong Kong. Later, it was introduced into the Pearl River Delta in mainland China, which is actually CNC milling machine. In Guangzhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, there is a kind of machining called "CNC machining center", which is a new processing technology. The main work is to prepare processing programs, that is, to change the original manual work into computer programming. Of course, you need to have experience in manual processing.

      In the process of CNC lathe machining, the determination of machining route generally follows the following principles.

      1. The accuracy and surface roughness of the workpiece to be processed shall be ensured.

      2. It makes the processing route shortest, reduces the empty travel time and improves the processing efficiency.

      3. Try to simplify the workload of numerical calculation and the processing procedure.

      4. For some reused programs, subroutines should be used.

      Jiangmen hardware accessories factory http://www.letwy.com//

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