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    Jiangmen hardware accessories factory analyzes its mold processing process arrangement

    2019-12-29 991

      Mold making refers to the processing of forming and blank making tools, in addition to shear mold and die-cutting mold. Generally, the mold has two parts: upper mold and lower mold. The steel plate is placed between the upper and lower dies to realize the material forming under the action of the press. When the press is opened, the workpiece determined by the die shape will be obtained or the corresponding waste materials will be removed. As small as electronic connector, as large as the automobile dashboard, the workpiece can be molded with mold. Progressive die refers to a set of die which can automatically move the workpiece from one station to another and get the forming parts at the last station. Die processing technology includes: cutting die, blanking die, compound die, extrusion die, four slide die, progressive die, stamping die, die cutting die, etc.

      Process flow arrangement

      1. Bottom surface processing, processing quantity guarantee;

      2. Casting blank datum alignment, 2D and 3D mold surface allowance inspection;

      3. Rough machining of 2D and 3D profile, non installation non working plane (including safety platform surface, buffer installation surface, pressing plate plane and side datum plane);

      4. Before semi finishing, the side datum should be aligned correctly to ensure the accuracy;

      5. Semi finish machining of 2D and 3D profile, finish machining of all kinds of installation working surfaces (including limit block installation surface and contact surface, insert installation surface and back side, punch installation surface, waste cutter installation surface and back side, spring installation surface and contact surface, all kinds of travel limit working surface, wedge installation surface and back side), semi finish machining of all kinds of guide surfaces and guide holes, leaving allowance for finish machining process Datum hole and height datum, and record data;

      6. Check and recheck the machining accuracy;

      7. Fitter setting process;

      8. Before finishing, align the reference surface of the process reference hole and check the allowance of the insert;

      9. Finish machining profile 2D, 3D, side punching profile and hole position, finish machining process reference hole and height reference, finish machining guide surface and guide hole;

      10. Check and recheck the machining accuracy.

      Jiangmen hardware accessories factory http://www.letwy.com//

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