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    What are the classifications of Jiangmen hardware accessories processing

    2019-12-29 1045

      Hardware surface processing can be divided into: Hardware painting processing, electroplating, surface polishing processing, hardware corrosion processing and so on.

      Surface processing of hardware parts:

      1. Spray painting processing: the hardware factory adopts spray painting processing in the production of large hardware finished products. Through spray painting processing, the hardware can avoid rusting, such as: daily necessities, electrical shell, handicrafts, etc.

      2. Electroplating: electroplating is also the most common processing technology for hardware processing. Through modern technology, the surface of hardware parts is electroplated to ensure that the products will not be mildewed and embroidered under long-term use. Common electroplating processing includes: screws, stamping parts, battery pieces, car parts, small jewelry, etc.

      3. Surface polishing: surface polishing is generally used for a long time in daily necessities. For example, we produce a comb by burring the surface of hardware products. The comb is a hardware part made by stamping, so the edge of the punched comb is very sharp. We need to polish the sharp part of the edge into a smooth face, so that we can use it in the process No harm to human body.

      Turning the outer circle surface is the basic method of machining the outer circle surface with hardware, and the equipment used is lathe. In general machinery plants, lathes account for about 40% of the total number of machine tools. Turning is the main method of roughing and semi finishing all kinds of materials, and it is also the final finishing method of all kinds of materials that are not suitable for grinding.

      In the small batch production of a single piece, the turning of the outer circular surface is generally carried out in the ordinary lathe. In mass production, multi cutter semi-automatic lathe or automatic lathe is widely used. Large plate parts shall be processed on vertical lathe. Large long shaft parts need to be processed on heavy horizontal lathe.

      The features of turning cylindrical surface are as follows:

      1. The cutter is simple, easy to manufacture, sharpen and install;

      2. The cutting process is stable and the fluctuation of cutting force is small, which is conducive to the adoption of high cutting speed and the improvement of productivity;

      3. The machine tool has good versatility. It can process the outer circle, the end face, the inner hole, the thread and the chamfering in one clamping. The accuracy of the mutual position between the surfaces is easy to guarantee;

      4. It is suitable for finishing of non-ferrous metal parts.

      Jiangmen hardware accessories factory http://www.letwy.com//

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