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    Causes and solutions of fog in the instruments of Jiangmen Motorcycle accessories

    2019-12-29 988

      This is because the odometer and tachometer are not sealed. If you don't want to completely cure it, just leave him alone as you did on the first floor. It will be gone the next day. Perhaps take a blower to blow, pay attention to the temperature should not be too high, will damage the appearance of the disk.

      There are two ways to get a complete cure:

      Top of the list, as everyone on earth knows, change your appearance.

      The second method is to see if there is any damage to the surface plate, such as the thin crack. If you can't find it, you can use transparent glass glue to paint a little bit. Pay attention not to paint a little thick, thin and thick, which will affect the beauty. Moreover, apply a thin glass glue around the border of the dial and the panel, so there won't be fog.

      If only the water vapor after washing the car doesn't matter, it's better to dry it. It's explained that the closing of the appearance is poor. In the future, don't wash the appearance with water with too much pressure. Pay attention to moisture-proof in rainy days, and the water vapor enters much, which will accelerate the aging of the appearance.

      Don't deal with it too much. The next day you will find that the fog has disappeared.

      This is the phenomenon of car washing in the future. It's good to have a sun exposure.

      Turn on the heating when running

      Blowing the windshield

      It won't take long

      Jiangmen Motorcycle accessories http://www.letwy.com//

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